
Covid-19: Sports Beware, Mha tells the country, expanding the sidewalk

New Delhi: The Ministry of Home on Thursday extended validity of compliance with evidence-based Covid detention steps until February 28.Also,…

2 years ago

Covid-19: Center extends the detention steps until February 28; Home Secretary Writing to State, UTS

New Delhi: As the Ministry of the Housecon extended its validity for compliance with evidence-based Covid Detention Steps until February…

2 years ago

West Delhi Gurudwara Shelters 44 Afghanistan Sikh

New Delhi: A Gurdwara in New Mahavir Nagar in West Delhi on Tuesday was protected by 44 Sikh Afghanistan accessed…

3 years ago

Punjab: Six was ordered to commit Rs 2.10 Crore fraud with Panchkula Resident

Ambala: Ambala police registered the fraud case of Rs 2.10 Crore after the population of Panchkula alleged that he was…

3 years ago

When the festival season approached, MHA asked the state to take steps to ensure there was no increase in the Koronavirus factor

New Delhi: While expanding the validity of the order seeking the implementation of targeted and fast actions for Covid-19 management,…

3 years ago

The government extended Covid guidelines until August 31, requesting, UTS to ensure there was no improvement in the ‘r’ factor

New Delhi: While expanding the validity of the order seeking the implementation of targeted and fast actions for Covid-19 management,…

3 years ago

‘The second wave is not over’: the center of writing to countries, say no room for satisfaction

New Delhi: Home Secretary Union Ajay Bhalla on Wednesday wrote to the Head of Secretary of the State of the…

3 years ago

Delhi: Technician blackmails couple using CCTV clips

NEW DELHI: When 30-year-old Rohit Bhalla (name changed) hired a technician to repair CCTV cameras at home, he had little…

3 years ago

‘Covid will win if stakeholders fight with each other’

NEW DELHI: Seeking to move on from the controversy over a Supreme Court appointed panel report on Delhi's oxygen demand,…

3 years ago

Stick into 5-fold Covid Standards as curbs are More Relaxed, Says told

NEW DELHI: Asking all states and Union Territories to adhere to the five-fold plan of Covid-appropriate behavior, test-track-treat and Regulations…

3 years ago