
5 tons of used cooking oil to Govt TN’s electric vehicle5 tons of used cooking oil to Govt TN’s electric vehicle

5 tons of used cooking oil to Govt TN’s electric vehicle

Chennai: The oil used to fry fried night you in the nearest restaurant may immediately use government vehicle power including…

4 years ago
Racket sales of chemicals as broken biodiesel in letters, 6 were heldRacket sales of chemicals as broken biodiesel in letters, 6 were held

Racket sales of chemicals as broken biodiesel in letters, 6 were held

Letter: Prevention of Crime Branch (PCB) Sleugga captured six was accused of allegedly selling a mixture of chemicals as biodiesel…

4 years ago
The MJCET project on the production of biodiesel patented by the Indian governmentThe MJCET project on the production of biodiesel patented by the Indian government

The MJCET project on the production of biodiesel patented by the Indian government

Hyderabad: A project in the bio-diesel production process by the researchers of Mufakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology (MJCET)…

4 years ago
Gujarat dropped the sale of biodiesel falsifiedGujarat dropped the sale of biodiesel falsified

Gujarat dropped the sale of biodiesel falsified

Gandhinagar: The State Government Friday ordered a prohibition of illegal substances mixed in biodiesel and directed strict actions against those…

4 years ago
‘Biodiesel’ cheater racket busted, 2 held from Indore‘Biodiesel’ cheater racket busted, 2 held from Indore

‘Biodiesel’ cheater racket busted, 2 held from Indore

AHMEDABAD: Rakhial police arrested two persons, both residents of Indore, who had floated a fake biodiesel company with their office…

4 years ago