
Gurugram: There are no school entries for teenagers aged 15-17 without dose 1?

Gurugram: The Ministry of Health, on Tuesday asked the Ministry of Education to ensure that all children in the bracket…

2 years ago

‘Vaccination for the age group 12-14 is likely to begin in March’

Pune: The Covid Vaccination Program is set to start for the 12-14 age group from February-End, Dr.N K Arora, Chair…

2 years ago

Mum: 61% in 18-44 age groups have eaten at least 1 jab

Mumbai: Although slow and late starting, the younger population and technology understanding in the age group 18-44 has seen the…

3 years ago

CBSE makes trends high scores running, seat ug crunch feared

Kolkata: The XII Secondary Education Center (CBSE) Center (CBSE), was stated on Friday, followed by a high score trend set…

3 years ago