Samsung is one of the main smartphone brands to adopt virtual RAM for smartphones through features called RAM Plus.Now, the…
Ludhiana: When trying to win a cellphone, two criminals attacked a 17-year-old boy with a knife at Salem Tabri on…
Redmi 10 prime is set to go on sale today.Smartphone will be available on the e-commerce site amazon and…
A 33-year-old man from Pristina, Kosovo, swallowed a cellphone.The strange incident was revealed after the doctor who performed the operation…
Patna: A 42-year-old man was stabbed to death because he refused to loot in Siwan District on Monday.The deceased, was…
Ahmedabad: A 15-year-old girl who was given mobile for online studies began to post nude images on social media accounts.When…
Palanpur: In a strange incident, the cellphone exploded in a man's pocket when he sat in the garage in the…
Rajkot: KOMPAT (East) Police on Tuesday found a car owner of an angadia company robbed in cash and jewelry worth…
Nagpur: Prachi Deshmukh must remain attentive while when his seven-year-old son attended a class online."He might lose important details, or…
Taking excavation on Apple has become part of a diet on Samsung.Be the removal of a charger, headphone jack, notch…