
Chelsea are charged for failing to control players against Liverpool

Chelsea have been charged with two allegations of non-orderly behavior in a bad 1-1 draw against Liverpool on weekends, the…

3 years ago

Mobile Cos to pay more to install towers at E Delhi

New Delhi: In the midst of sustainable pressure to check the drop of calls, cellular towers need to pay more…

3 years ago

Punjab provides Golden Chance to set 50,000 illegal water connections in Ludhiana

Ludhiana: In a city that has more than 50,000 water connections and illegal sewerage, people have been given the opportunity…

3 years ago

Branded bowls from fresh fruits to face 5% GST

Mumbai: Two years ago, actor Rahul Bose broke the internet when he tweeted that he was charged Rs 442.5 (including…

3 years ago

Water supply, sewerage: Punjab approved OTS

Chandigarh: The Punjab Cabinet on Monday approved a one-time (OTS) completion scheme for regularization of invalid connections and recovery of…

3 years ago

Qanon’s father killed his children over ‘Ulpent DNA’: FBI

LOS ANGELES: A American father was charged with killing his two children with a spear fishing gun claiming he was…

3 years ago

Humans were charged with capital murder in the murder of Dallas’s son

Dallas: A Texas man who was accused of kidnapping a 4-year-old boy who was found dead on Jalan Dallas had…

3 years ago

Pine against param beer ‘to squeeze rs 5 crore from bookies’

Thane: Thane police on Friday enrolled a four case from a Param Jerik Singh officer along with former Pradeep Sharma…

3 years ago

Judge Spain Twitter Questions Hack Suspect Wanted by Us

MADRID: A British man was charged in the United States in connection with last year's Twitter hacking which endangered dozens…

3 years ago

Goa: new CCP policy rationalized sanitation costs

PANAJI: Getting rid of sanitation rates remain arbitrary for all commercial companies in the city, the corporation of Panaji City…

3 years ago