
Goa is getting cleaner, up to 3rd position

Panaji: Goa Prints impressive performance in the Swayachh Swachh 2021 hygiene survey nationally, climbing ranks to third place among 14…

3 years ago

Indore maintains the cleaned city title for the 5th time in a row

New Delhi: In the achievements that deserve to be praised, Indore maintains the cleanest urban local body tag (ULB) for…

3 years ago

Swachh Survekshan: Mysuru took to 12th place

MySuru: Twice hit 'The cleanest city' in India, Mysuru now suffers from falling large in the 'Swachh Surevekshan' rating, falling…

3 years ago

Swachhta Survey: Noida Shines between the cities of NCR

Noida: The Delhi satellite city in Noida is on Saturday to train the cleanest India 'Medium' city, namely in the…

3 years ago

Indore named Cleanstest City in India for 5 consecutive years

Indore: For the fifth time in a row, Indore Madhya Pradesh has been ranked in the cleanest city of India…

3 years ago

Indore taught the cleanest city of India, the 5th time in a row

New Delhi: Indore in Madhya Pradesh has maintained the top position as the cleanest city of India at the Swachh…

3 years ago

Youth, students take the coat to win the tag ‘the cleanest mosque’

Hyderabad: City mosques are now competing for new honor to be the cleanest Muslim places.Pandemic has helped trigger a campaign…

4 years ago