
Register pine to 31 offenders to build illegal colonies, police said

Gurgaon: The Meeting Department of the City and State (DTCP) has written to Gurgaon Police on Monday to register FIR…

2 years ago

Hyderabad: For families affected by Covid, people are calls

Hyderabad: The surge in Covid-19 cases in Hyderabad for the past few weeks has encouraged residents to organize and help…

2 years ago

Why are we charged for infra: residents for discom

Gurgaon: Residents who are looking for new electrical connections or an increase in loads in 16 leading colonies of the…

2 years ago

Jaipur: JDA to register illegal flats on its website

Jaipur: To protect consumers not to be deceived, the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) will upload a list of multi-floor buildings…

2 years ago

Colony Info About Website MC Hits Hitdle Fonts

Ludhiana: Municipal Corporation has uploaded important information about city colonies that are authorized and illegal on their official website, but…

2 years ago

3 illegal colonies were destroyed by DTCP

Gurgaon: Three illegal colonies, who appeared over the past two months when construction activities were banned by Caqm in NCR…

2 years ago

DTCP stares at 250 structures in 14 colonies, freeing 46 hectares

Gurgaon: Fourteen illegal colonies spread across 46 hectares in Bhondsi, Farrukhnagar and other regions in Gurgaon were destroyed by the…

2 years ago

Will build FOB in front of the Devi Lal Stadium to avoid accidents: cm

Gurgaon: Minister of Manohar Minister Lal Khattar has announced that a FOOT OVERBRIDGE (FOB) will be built in front of…

3 years ago

DTCP forms 5 teams to enforce a construction ban in the city

Gurgaon: The City and State Meeting Department (DTCP) has formed five teams to ensure that the prohibition of all types…

3 years ago

F & CC will likely discuss today Civic’s body takes over the Gladada colony

Ludhiana: The MC's decision to take over some colonies from the authority of the larger Ludhiana area (GLADA) will be…

3 years ago