
The US CDC internal report calls the Delta variant as a transmission as chicken pox

The Delta variant is far more contagious, more likely to break through the protection provided by the vaccine, and can…

3 years ago

The Delta Spreads variant is as easy as chickenpox, causing a more severe disease: report

New Delhi: The highly contagious Delta variant of Coronavirus spreads as easy as chickenpox and seems to cause a more…

3 years ago

‘The initial stage of the 3rd covid wave’: case, death rises because Delta becomes a dominant variant throughout the world

New Delhi: Some countries around the world fight against a wave of new infections driven by a very contagious Delta…

3 years ago

Covid: Sydney is locked up for another week because the Delta variant spreads

Sydney: New South Wales (NSW) state leader in Australia on Wednesday ordered a week's extension from Lockdown Covid-19 Sydney, a…

3 years ago

Indonesian children under 18 years to get the Pfizer-Biontonech vaccine, said the minister

Jakarta: Indonesia plans to vaccinate under the 18s with the Coronavirus MRNA Shot together developed by Pfizer and Bionth, said…

3 years ago

Under-18 Indonesia to get the Pfizer-Biontonech Vaccine – Minister

Jakarta: Indonesia plans to vaccinate under the 18s with the Coronavirus MRNA Shot together developed by Pfizer and Bionth, said…

3 years ago

Greece to vaccinate teenagers after experts give ahead

Athens: Greece will begin to vote for teenagers as soon as he gets ahead of medical experts and will need…

3 years ago

Millions in Sydney wake to coronavirus lockdown

SYDNEY: Millions of Sydney residents woke Sunday to the first full day of a two-week coronavirus lockdown, as Australia tried…

3 years ago

Israel resumes indoor mask requirement amid virus spike

TEL AVIV: The Israeli health ministry reimposed a requirement on Friday for masks to be worn in enclosed public places…

3 years ago

Israel resumes indoor mask requirement amid virus spike

TEL AVIV: The Israeli health ministry reimposed a requirement on Friday for masks to be worn in enclosed public places…

3 years ago