
Pubg: BattleGrounds Players can now share ‘Epic Fail’ moments in their games to win the G-Coin, Battle Pass and real life trophy

As soon as the transition is free, Pubg: BattleGrounds is one of the most popular games in Steam with more…

3 years ago

Mexico announces the biggest seizure of pure fentanyl

Mexico: Mexico said that Thursday had made the biggest seizure from Fentanyl purely in its history, after five alleged drug…

3 years ago

‘Green crackers are hardly green, can’t be called environmentally friendly’

Guwahati: In the midst of the commotion for the use of green crackers in the season of the celebration, experts…

3 years ago

Mumbai Logs 283 Covid Case, 203 Recovery

Mumbai: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said that Mumbai City reported 283 New Covid-19 on Thursday, took the total toll to…

3 years ago

The Way to Distinguish between COVID-19 and Infection

Coronavirus has really changed our lives fully. While the times are very tough, individuals are becoming more conscious of the…

3 years ago

2022 CWG Ladies’s T20 Occasion to be held from July 29 to Aug 7

NEW DELHI: The Commonwealth Games' (CWG) women's T20 contest, which is likely to make its debut in the quadrennial showpiece…

3 years ago