
Vijay Malla Money Man Nedungadi Died

Bengaluru: Ravi Nedungadi, one of Vijay Malla's closest colleague who is the President of the UB Group and Chief Financial…

2 years ago

The Omicron case seems to peak in the US, but also increases

Chicago: The new Coronavirus case has begun to fall in the US, indicating that an Omicron-fueled surge that has infected…

2 years ago

Galaff Street Pet Market continues to grow in the middle of #Thirdwave

Gasiff Street Pet Market continues to develop in the middle of #ThirdwaveJan 23, 2022, 15:33 Istsource: Market Pet Street Tnngaliff…

2 years ago

TB is marked as a comorbidity in the new Covid Clinical Management Protocol

New Delhi: The government has included TB as a comorbidity that can place patients at the "high risk" of severe…

2 years ago

Movies: Spencer- 3.5 / 5

The story: 'A fairy tale from the true tragedy', Pablo LarraĆ­n's psychological drama is a turmoil of Diana (Kristen Stewart)…

3 years ago

There is no help because the air quality of Lucknow is still ‘poor’

Lucknow: Lucknow continues to struggle with 'poor' air quality without a big help from pollutants like PM 10 and PM…

3 years ago

Delta remains a major variant of Covid alarming, others can now be ignored in data sequencing: insacog

New Delhi: Delta Covid-19 variant continues to be a major variant that is a concern and other variants of interest…

3 years ago

Brace for more rain, Chennai; depression may be in 24 hours

Chennai: The city continues to roll down the influence of bathing incessantly for the second day on Monday because some…

3 years ago

HC Looking for Visa Sample testing

Prayagraj: Taking a serious record of delays in the surrender of the Viscera report that influenced the investigation of a…

3 years ago

Covid: More than 360 recovered in the Pune region; 3 dead

Pune: The number of people recovering from Covid-19 (369) continues to survive in front of new cases (243) in the…

3 years ago