
Pune PEAKE IN TEEN VAX in Maha, Thane Stand Second

Pune: Among all districts in Maharashtra, Pune has managed to vaccinate the highest number of adolescents so far, covering more…

2 years ago

Covaxin provides lower protection during the second wave: real world studies

Covaxin, one of the main vaccines used in the Indian Coronavirus immunization drive, only provides 50% protection against Covid-19 symptomatic,…

3 years ago

Covaxin India provides lower protection in delta waves

Covaxin, one of the main vaccines used in the Indian Coronavirus immunization drive, only provides 50% protection against Covid-19 symptomatic,…

3 years ago

Losing 10 years in my life in 18 months: Dr. Ella

Hyderabad: Pandemic Covid-19 carries the world to jam.But Chairman of Bharat Biotech and Managing Director of Dr.Krishna Ella live in…

3 years ago

Losing 10 years of life in 18 months due to Stress Covaxin: Ella

Hyderabad: Pandemic Covid-19 may have brought the world to traffic jams, but Chairman of Bharat Biotech and Managing Director Krishna…

3 years ago

Who is approved for Covaxin to significantly facilitate travel for vaccinated Indians: MEA

New Delhi: Who's approval for Covaxin earlier this month will bring a significant increase in the ease of travel for…

3 years ago

90 Lakh Cooling Dosage Vaccine Covid in Maharashtra

Pune: A total of 90 doses of Lakh Covid-19 vaccine are currently lying down with the country but there is…

3 years ago

Booster Dosage After 6 Months Covaxin 2 Shots Ideal: Ella

New Delhi: The booster dose will be ideal at six months after receiving the second dose of anti-covid vaccines, Bharat…

3 years ago

The ideal time for the booster dose for the Covid vaccine is 6 months after the dose of 2: Bharat Biotech MD

NEW DELHI: Bharat Biotech CMD Krishna Ella Wednesday blamed the negative campaign against Covaxin in India, especially in the media,…

3 years ago

Hong Kong Approved Covaxin Bharat Biotech

Hong Kong: Hong Kong has identified the Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company Bharat Biotech's vaccine Covid Covaxin on the list of 19…

3 years ago