
Celebs Hail Mumbai Police Nirbhaya Squad

Mumbai police recently launched 'Nirbhaya' squad, initiative for women's safety.Aiming to prevent abuse and sexual crimes against women in public…

2 years ago

The British Company Report accused the ‘Crime War’ at J & K

LONDON: In what India's authority was seen as a propaganda exercise supported by Pakistan, a London law firm published a…

2 years ago

The British Company Report accused the ‘Crime War’ at J & K

LONDON: In what India's authority was seen as a propaganda exercise supported by Pakistan, a London law firm published a…

2 years ago

Intra-sudanese political processes that are not facilitated need to be guided by the constructive approach: India

The United Nations: India has said that the intra-sudanese political process is not facilitated, which is intended to maintain the…

2 years ago

Goa: Lawbreaker Mla more than doubled since 2007, the study said

PANAJI: The amount of MLA with serious criminal cases against them more than doubled since 2007, showed a study by…

2 years ago

The police were told to ensure the Covid test for everyone arrested

Jaipur: Expressing concern over the increasing number of Covid-19 cases, the police headquarters has made arrangements to examine its spread…

2 years ago

MHA asks the state, UTS to strengthen the capacity to handle cases of crime against women

New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has directed all state and regional Union (UTS) to focus on strengthening…

3 years ago

Immediately, 14 new sniffers to join the power of Indian wildlife dogs

Nagpur: Indian fight against wildlife crimes is increasingly encouraging when 14 wildlife protective dogs, also known as' Super Sniffers, along…

3 years ago

Lower murder, street crime rises in Delhi

New Delhi: Murder, the main indicator of the situation of crime in the city, declined this year, Delhi police data…

3 years ago

The Protector of the Odisha Government was accused of the murder case of Mamita, BJP said

BHubaneswar: The National Secretary General of BJP and Odisha who is responsible for Purandeswari on Wednesday accused the government of…

3 years ago