
Two Bihar Boys Bag PM Rashtriya Bal Purascar

Patna: Two Bihar boys among 29 children have been awarded Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Purascar which is prestigious, 2022, for…

2 years ago

BMC to NGT: Cannot access Lake Powai, Walkway is a must

Mumbai: BMC has complained to the National Green Tribunal, Pune, that "Virtually prevented" from accessing Powai Lake by the Institute…

2 years ago

Wake up close to deadly jaws

Vadodara: Have you seen a crocodile from close? The coming week can be your best opportunity.If you want to see…

3 years ago

Crocodiles are still difficult to understand, official exercise carefully

Nagpur: Crocodile 'Camera Shy' at the Spell of the Nag River near Gawalipura continues to avoid wildlife officials on Tuesday.There…

3 years ago

The crocodile was seen in Nullah, the Forest Dept. team was in his footsteps

Nagpur: Only months after the Ministry of Forestry spent several days tracking leopards allegedly seen in the city, now they…

3 years ago

Up: Brother interesting brother from the crocodile jaw

Bareilly: A 17-year-old boy had a narrow escape after he was almost dragged into the deep waters by the adult…

3 years ago

Croc injured made Rajdhani cool the wheel on track for 25 minutes!

Vadodara: Crocodile in pain can throw even Rajdhani Superfast revealed his schedule.And it happened earlier on Tuesday morning, when the…

3 years ago

Croc found in the Imperi Pool

Vadodara: Being the night of the commencement of Ganpati Immersions in the pool made by Navlakhi, a crocodile tested the…

3 years ago

Kendrapara is only a district in India to boast of all 3 crocodile species

Kendrapada: Kendrapada Odisha emerged as the only district in the country which was home to all three crocodile species after…

3 years ago

Alligator handlers restore after the attack, the rescue perceived

Saltlake City: Utah's reptile center employee is recovering after the crocodile runs it into its cage during the presentation, struggling…

3 years ago