
It’s hard to drop Usman Khawaja’s form, said Pat Cummins

Sydney: Fairytale Usman Khawaja's comeback has presented Australia with headaches, and Captain Pat Cummins admitted it would be difficult to…

2 years ago

The right time to make Captain Pat Cummins, Shane Warnne said

Melbourne: Spin Legend Shane Warnne has supported Pat Cummins to become the next Australian test captain, said the time is…

3 years ago

The right time for Cummins to Australia Captain: Shane Warnne

Former Australian Leg-Spinner Shane Warnne said the time was right for a quick Bowler Pat Cummins to replace the Paine…

3 years ago

Smith is one of the candidates for the test captain after the CA approach

Melbourne: Maintay Batting Steve Smith on Saturday appeared as one of the candidates for the captain of Australian testing after…

3 years ago

Media questions for the Australian cricket motif after the Paine team stopped

The Australian Cricket decision (CA) not to reveal an investigation into the Paine team by the National Sport Integrity Unit…

3 years ago

Cummins The Frontrunner to lead Australia after the Paine scandal

Sydney: Pat Cummins appeared as The Frontrunner on Saturday to take over the former Australian test captain who was humiliated…

3 years ago

JMM threatens to stir the economy against Tatas on tax jurisdiction

JAMSHEDPUR: Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) on Friday threatened to form an economic blockade against Tata Steel, motorcycles and other functional…

3 years ago

Paine team resignation is crazy about preparing for Australian ash

Sydney: Australia has all the momentum towards the Ash Blockbuster series against England in less than three weeks - but…

3 years ago

Pat Cummins Captain next ranked after the Paine team resigned

Sydney: After losing their last two test captain amid allegations of violations, Cricket Australia will be sure to do their…

3 years ago

JMM protests outside the Tata Factory in Jamshedpur

JAMSHEDPUR: Jharkhand Workers Mukti Morcha (JMM) held protests outside three units owned by Tata on Wednesday during a recent proposal…

3 years ago