
Exports rose 48.34% to $ 32.5 billion; Trade deficit with $ 9.37 billion in June

New Delhi: Recording growth for the seventh consecutive month, Indian exports rose 48.34 percent to $ 32.5 billion in June…

3 years ago

Exports rose 48.34%; Trade deficits at $ 9.37 billion in June

New Delhi: Recording growth for the seventh consecutive month, Indian exports rose 48.34 percent to $ 32.5 billion in June…

3 years ago

The outskirts of Chennai got more rain than the core area

Chennai: With many convective activities that occur far from the coast to the country, the suburbs have recorded excess rainfall…

3 years ago

With a deficit of 61%, miss Delhi which is dry for the rainy season

New Delhi: The capital crying because the rain has recorded a rainfall deficit of 61% from normal since June 1.The…

3 years ago

Liability of Pegs Flowers TN at RS 232 Crore a day

Chennai: Budget Shadow PMK for Finance 2021-22 Saying Tamil Nadu Must mobilize loans to ₹ 1 lakh crore tones, increase…

3 years ago

‘RBI should not print money to finance a fiscal deficit’

NEW DELHI: The RBI should not print money to finance the fiscal deficit as it will lead to fiscal profligacy,…

3 years ago

Heavy rain lash northeast because the rainy season takes steps

Guwahati: Monsoon has collected speeds in the northeast as Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh whipped by heavy rain until Tuesday.In…

3 years ago

Heavy rain lash northeast because the rainy season takes steps

Guwahati: Monsoon has collected steps in the northeast when Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh be killed with heavy rain until…

3 years ago

Center fiscal deficit at 8.2% of the annual target at the end-possible

Delhi New: The central government's fiscal deficit reaches Rs 1.23 lakh crore or 8.2 percent of the estimate of a…

3 years ago

India reports a current account surplus of 0.9% at FY21

Mumbai: The Indian account balance currently shows a surplus of 0.9 percent of GDP in the financial year 2020-21, although…

3 years ago