
Shock & Awe: Twin Tower Noida to be destroyed in four phasesShock & Awe: Twin Tower Noida to be destroyed in four phases

Shock & Awe: Twin Tower Noida to be destroyed in four phases

Noida: exercise mammoth lowered twin towers in compounds court emerald Supertech, while ensuring the safety of all other buildings in…

3 years ago
D-day approached, nervous and relieved at the Emerald CourtD-day approached, nervous and relieved at the Emerald Court

D-day approached, nervous and relieved at the Emerald Court

Noida: This will be the culmination of the battle that starts exactly 10 years ago when Twin Towers in the…

3 years ago
Twin Twin Towers Noida: Get NOC in 2 weeks, Builder toldTwin Twin Towers Noida: Get NOC in 2 weeks, Builder told

Twin Twin Towers Noida: Get NOC in 2 weeks, Builder told

New Delhi: Approved the Decree of the Noida Authority to choose Edifice engineering based on Mumbai-based companies to carry out…

3 years ago
Noida: Run a contract with the Mumbai company to destroy the Twin Tower within a week, SC directs SuperTechNoida: Run a contract with the Mumbai company to destroy the Twin Tower within a week, SC directs SuperTech

Noida: Run a contract with the Mumbai company to destroy the Twin Tower within a week, SC directs SuperTech

Noida: Noida Authority told the Supreme Court on Monday that Mumbai-based Edifice Engineering was chosen to carry out the demolition…

3 years ago
Mumbai co set to get a nod to dampen the Twin Noida towerMumbai co set to get a nod to dampen the Twin Noida tower

Mumbai co set to get a nod to dampen the Twin Noida tower

Noida: Proposal by Mumbai-based engineering companies to drop two housing towers at the Society Court Zamrud Supertech has been approved…

3 years ago
Twin Tower: Will Jail Your Official, SC warns SupertechTwin Tower: Will Jail Your Official, SC warns Supertech

Twin Tower: Will Jail Your Official, SC warns Supertech

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday declared non-compliance with non-compliance with his orders to destroy the two 40-floors built…

3 years ago
Return Homebuyers Money by January 17, SC Tells SupertechReturn Homebuyers Money by January 17, SC Tells Supertech

Return Homebuyers Money by January 17, SC Tells Supertech

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday slams the Developer of Real Estate SuperTech for non-payment to home buyers for…

3 years ago
Recover dismantling costs from offenders: DTCPRecover dismantling costs from offenders: DTCP

Recover dismantling costs from offenders: DTCP

Gurgaon: The City and State Meeting Department (DTCP), which has spent almost 40 lakh Rs on the drive of the…

3 years ago
Delhi’s air quality is still ‘very poor’, Aqi on 347Delhi’s air quality is still ‘very poor’, Aqi on 347

Delhi’s air quality is still ‘very poor’, Aqi on 347

New Delhi: Delhi air quality continues in the 'very poor' category for eighth day in a row on Sunday, in…

3 years ago
100 Journeys are identified in the MCM area, notifications served100 Journeys are identified in the MCM area, notifications served

100 Journeys are identified in the MCM area, notifications served

Gurgaon: About 100 encroachment in government land in the City corporation of Manesar (MCM) has been served notice by the…

3 years ago