
Prohibition of WhatsApp in India: This is what the Kerala High Court said

The Kerala High Court has refused to litigation of public interest (pill) that calls the central government to ban whatsapp…

3 years ago

BJP will Enroll Larger poll Success than 2017 below Yogi Adityanath: AK Sharma

LUCKNOW: A close friend of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, recently picked UP BJP vice-president AK Sharma has expressed optimism that…

3 years ago

Odisha: BJP demands white paper on Covid-19 deaths

BHUBANESWAR: BJP on Saturday demanded a White Paper on Absolute Covid deaths in Odisha since March This past Year.The saffron…

3 years ago

Amarinder-Sidhu tussle makes it a Very Tough call for Cong

CHANDIGARH: Actually following the AICC-appointed three-member Kharge panel talks with both ministry Amarinder Singh and former cabinet minister Navjot Singh…

3 years ago

BJP national leadership to Pick Underneath whom UP Meeting polls Would be contested: Dy CM Maurya

BAREILLY: Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya on Wednesday reported the BJP parliamentary board as well as its…

3 years ago

‘BJP Combined, govt doing Great Occupation under BSY’

BENGALUUR: BJP's national general secretary in-charge of Karnataka Arun Singh on Wednesday said the party's state was combined and the…

3 years ago

Indian Meteorological Department issues warning for fishermen in south Gujarat

SURAT: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a warning and advised fishermen in south Gujarat not to venture into sea…

3 years ago

BSF spreads green Believing in Kutch

Rajkot: Coaching women in Kutch boundary to make little woods in the urban regions in addition to producing compost out…

3 years ago

225 Streets on Kolkata traffic Authorities one-way Listing

KOLKATA: Darga Road which has been created one-way with automobiles being permitted to move out of CIT Road towards Rifle…

3 years ago

Yediyurappa’s Modification pol Damaging meCP Yogeeshwara

BENGALURU: Rumblings over the country BJP more than change of direction grew louder with environment and tourism ministry CP Yogeeshwara…

3 years ago