
Post-covid children can become fussy eaters, find a study

While the loss of smell and taste is one of the acute symptoms of adults during Covid-19 infection and after…

2 years ago

Things do people with adult adhd

ADHD or the attention of the hyperactivity disorder deficit is a common problem among people today.If you often lose the…

3 years ago

‘7% of patients received get mental health problems’

Mumbai: Nearly 7% of patients recognize with Covid-19 develop mental health problems - such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, post-traumatic stress…

3 years ago

Goa: Lively cases Fall to 3,066 on Monday

PANAJI: Goa reported 218 fresh illnesses, seven deaths and 413 recoveries bringing the tally of active instances to 3,066. Retrieval…

3 years ago

Lucknow: 43-year-old won over Covid but Dropped sight

LUCKNOW: A 43-year-old bank supervisor in Gonda, Jeetendra Mishra lived Covid-19 but missing his eyes into mucormycosis--generally called black fungus.…

3 years ago

30 thalassemia patients take their first jab at special site in Gurgaon

Gurgaon: A special vaccination session site for thalassemia patients was organised at Rotary Blood Bank in Sector 10A on Wednesday…

3 years ago

For parent of All Covid Favorable Kids, a new Fear

MIS-c is Growing in Children and this Disorder Imitates the toxic shock syndrome Parents whose children are infected with covid…

3 years ago

Ghaziabad Physician Asserts’Yellowish fungus’ in Individual

GHAZIABAD: A senior ENT physician's claim that he had discovered the first instance of'yellow fungus' had societal networking spot-on Monday…

3 years ago

111 Instances of black fungus Disease reported in Punjab

CHANDIGARH: As many as 111 instances of Mucormycosis, much better called black parasite disease, have now been reported from different…

3 years ago

Doc Asserts’Yellowish fungus’ in Individual others sceptical

Ghaziabad: A senior ENT physician's claim that he had discovered the first instance of'yellow fungus' had societal networking spat on…

3 years ago