
Mumbai recorded the donation of the first organ this yearMumbai recorded the donation of the first organ this year

Mumbai recorded the donation of the first organ this year

Mumbai: The city recorded his first organ donation this year when the family of a 52-year-old woman agreed to contribute…

3 years ago
Gujarat doubled the body’s contribution in CovidGujarat doubled the body’s contribution in Covid

Gujarat doubled the body’s contribution in Covid

Ahmedabad: In the midst of the deadly second wave leaving traces of death and disease in Gujarat, giving people from…

3 years ago
The Telangana Government issued orders for post-mortem after sunsetThe Telangana Government issued orders for post-mortem after sunset

The Telangana Government issued orders for post-mortem after sunset

Hyderabad: To comply with the new protocol from the Ministry of Health and the welfare of the family to carry…

3 years ago
Farewell gift: hand, organFarewell gift: hand, organ

Farewell gift: hand, organ

Letter: In passing, he became a legend by contributing all his organs and even limbs too.But unfortunately, the 14-year-old Dharmik…

3 years ago
16 regional parties stated receiving 1,026 donations without PAN detail: ADR16 regional parties stated receiving 1,026 donations without PAN detail: ADR

16 regional parties stated receiving 1,026 donations without PAN detail: ADR

New Delhi: Around 16 regional parties have declared receiving 1,026 donations worth 24,779 crore without PAN details, according to the…

3 years ago
Kgmu to revive Cadaverik multi-organ donation unitsKgmu to revive Cadaverik multi-organ donation units

Kgmu to revive Cadaverik multi-organ donation units

Lucknow: King George's Medical University will revive the multi-organ (CMOD) multi-organ donation program in full way.This program will help save…

4 years ago
Donate Pandemic Hit Eyes in T’Gana, IndiaDonate Pandemic Hit Eyes in T’Gana, India

Donate Pandemic Hit Eyes in T’Gana, India

Hyderabad: Beaten by a Covid-19 pandemic, eye contribution in Telangana and throughout India dropped more than half for 2020-21 compared…

4 years ago
Sheikh Transferring Covid Funds: PoliceSheikh Transferring Covid Funds: Police

Sheikh Transferring Covid Funds: Police

Vadodara: The Covid-19 pandemic brought a disaster in the entire state of last year to Salahuddin Sheikh it was an…

4 years ago
Jaipur: 150 Doctors & Activists Participate in CyctothonJaipur: 150 Doctors & Activists Participate in Cyctothon

Jaipur: 150 Doctors & Activists Participate in Cyctothon

Jaipur: aims to produce awareness among people on organ donations, doctors and activists of Sawai Hospital Man Singh participating in…

4 years ago
Organ contributions dropped in Tamil Nadu in 4 yearsOrgan contributions dropped in Tamil Nadu in 4 years

Organ contributions dropped in Tamil Nadu in 4 years

Chennai: The organ contribution fell firmly in Tamil Nadu for the past four years and deteriorated during a pandemic, but…

4 years ago