
Elephant Srirangam Temple gets a walking line

Trichy: Department of Religious Endowment and Ameng Hindu (HR & CE) on Friday inaugurated the running track and a large…

2 years ago

Forest dept straps on trained elephants to curb forest fires

Coimbatore: The Forestry Department has associated in six trained elephants, including Chinna Thambi, from Kozhikamuthi Elephant Camp to prevent forest…

2 years ago

Wildlife’s body suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts throughout the state

Bhubaneswar: Overall 730 people were killed in human-elephant conflicts in Odisha since April 2014, while 611 Jumbos died for various…

2 years ago

Odisha: Body wildlife suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts in the state

Bhubaneswar: Because of the human-elephant conflict in Odisha, 730 people died since April 2014 while 611 elephants died for various…

2 years ago

Villagers on the outskirts of the forest live in fear

Mysuru: Most of the villagers in the suburbs of the reserve forest live in fear of wild animals attacking them…

2 years ago

Foresters to Radio-Collar Wild Jumbos at Saklespur-Flow Reg

MySuru: The Forestry Department will launch a drive to wild elephants Radio collars in the Sakleshpur region in the Hassan…

2 years ago

Forest Dept. Celebrating ‘Elephant Pongal’ in Kozhikamuthi, Vararaliyar Camp

Coimbatore: The Forest Department celebrates 'Pongal Elephant' in Kozhikamuthi and Elephant Vararaliyar Camp in Animalai Tiger reserves (ATR) on Saturday.All…

2 years ago

Chasing a jumbo herd will be trapped in the canal

MySuru: The herd of six elephants, who had lost from Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, was trapped in a canal when villagers…

2 years ago

Farmers are trampled to death by elephants in Jharkhand

Seraagela: A 40-year-old farmer was trampled on to death by wild elephants in the Jhartswan Jharkhand Serialla District, police said…

3 years ago

Tribal school in Thiruvananthapuram faces the threat of attack on wild animals

Thiruvananthapuram: The lives of children who study at Tribal Thalathoothakavu school in this district continue to suffer due to threats…

3 years ago