
Elephant Srirangam Temple gets a walking lineElephant Srirangam Temple gets a walking line

Elephant Srirangam Temple gets a walking line

Trichy: Department of Religious Endowment and Ameng Hindu (HR & CE) on Friday inaugurated the running track and a large…

3 years ago
Forest dept straps on trained elephants to curb forest firesForest dept straps on trained elephants to curb forest fires

Forest dept straps on trained elephants to curb forest fires

Coimbatore: The Forestry Department has associated in six trained elephants, including Chinna Thambi, from Kozhikamuthi Elephant Camp to prevent forest…

3 years ago
Wildlife’s body suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts throughout the stateWildlife’s body suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts throughout the state

Wildlife’s body suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts throughout the state

Bhubaneswar: Overall 730 people were killed in human-elephant conflicts in Odisha since April 2014, while 611 Jumbos died for various…

3 years ago
Odisha: Body wildlife suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts in the stateOdisha: Body wildlife suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts in the state

Odisha: Body wildlife suggests ways to reduce human-elephant conflicts in the state

Bhubaneswar: Because of the human-elephant conflict in Odisha, 730 people died since April 2014 while 611 elephants died for various…

3 years ago
Villagers on the outskirts of the forest live in fearVillagers on the outskirts of the forest live in fear

Villagers on the outskirts of the forest live in fear

Mysuru: Most of the villagers in the suburbs of the reserve forest live in fear of wild animals attacking them…

3 years ago
Foresters to Radio-Collar Wild Jumbos at Saklespur-Flow RegForesters to Radio-Collar Wild Jumbos at Saklespur-Flow Reg

Foresters to Radio-Collar Wild Jumbos at Saklespur-Flow Reg

MySuru: The Forestry Department will launch a drive to wild elephants Radio collars in the Sakleshpur region in the Hassan…

3 years ago
Forest Dept. Celebrating ‘Elephant Pongal’ in Kozhikamuthi, Vararaliyar CampForest Dept. Celebrating ‘Elephant Pongal’ in Kozhikamuthi, Vararaliyar Camp

Forest Dept. Celebrating ‘Elephant Pongal’ in Kozhikamuthi, Vararaliyar Camp

Coimbatore: The Forest Department celebrates 'Pongal Elephant' in Kozhikamuthi and Elephant Vararaliyar Camp in Animalai Tiger reserves (ATR) on Saturday.All…

3 years ago
Chasing a jumbo herd will be trapped in the canalChasing a jumbo herd will be trapped in the canal

Chasing a jumbo herd will be trapped in the canal

MySuru: The herd of six elephants, who had lost from Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, was trapped in a canal when villagers…

3 years ago
Farmers are trampled to death by elephants in JharkhandFarmers are trampled to death by elephants in Jharkhand

Farmers are trampled to death by elephants in Jharkhand

Seraagela: A 40-year-old farmer was trampled on to death by wild elephants in the Jhartswan Jharkhand Serialla District, police said…

3 years ago
Tribal school in Thiruvananthapuram faces the threat of attack on wild animalsTribal school in Thiruvananthapuram faces the threat of attack on wild animals

Tribal school in Thiruvananthapuram faces the threat of attack on wild animals

Thiruvananthapuram: The lives of children who study at Tribal Thalathoothakavu school in this district continue to suffer due to threats…

3 years ago