
Why only 1 way out center on the high road: commuter

Gurgaon: Residents and passengers question whether the road as high as the 21 km-length elevated to be disposed of in…

2 years ago

4.2 km of high corridors become operational on Jalan SG

Ahmedabad: Built at a cost of Rs 170 Crore, corridor which was elevated 2.36 kilometers between The Gota Flyover and…

3 years ago

Three underpasses to appear along the highway elevated in Thiruvananthapuram’s Kazhakkoottam

Thiruvananthapuram: Efforts to build three low vehicle underpasses (Lvup) along the elevated highway that will appear in Kazhakkoottam.Lvup, when realized,…

3 years ago

Jaipur: Sodala Flyover is ready on November-end

Jaipur: Because 90% of the road construction was elevated by Sodala finished, the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) plans to open…

3 years ago

4 High Corridors in Telangana Immediately: Min

Hyderabad: The state government has decided to build at least four high corridors that will fly the junction of high…

3 years ago