
Bhagalpur to get Trauma Center

Bhagalpur: With the aim of providing emergency health care for emergency resuscitation, surgery, intensive care and other medical facilities to…

3 years ago

Police Respond to ‘Emergency’ in Tennessee Volunte Middle School

Bukit Church: Police Respond to Middle School in Tennessee Timur on Tuesday for the so-called school officials as "emergency situations.''…

3 years ago

HYD: Emergency work is postponed as payment of GHMC delays

Hyderabad: Some housing colonies in heavily Hyderabad may have to stay with a broken road and open holes for a…

3 years ago

Malaysian PM refused to resign, delaying a month

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: The Prime Minister of Malaysia which was fought by Mühyiddin Yassin refused to resign on Wednesday after…

3 years ago

Malaysian youth asked PM to stop as a pandemic deteriorating

KUALA LUMPUR: Hundreds of Malaysian youth dressed in black rally on Saturday in Central Kualalumpur to demand the resignation of…

3 years ago

Center released 15 percent amounts under the Covid emergency response package to the state

New Delhi: This center has released 15 percent of the number under the emergency and health response emergency package (ECRP-II)…

3 years ago

US approval from Covid-19 shots can increase the amount of vaccination, said Fauci

US infectious disease experts Dr.Anthony Fauci said on Friday he hoped the regulator could soon after next month began to…

3 years ago

PM Malaysia urged to stop after Royal Royal Reguke

Kuala Lumpur: The leader who was fought by Malaysia was accused of treason and urged Thursday after the king condemned…

3 years ago

Kwon Mina in the hospital after a suicide attempt

Kwon Mina, former AOA member, still fainted after he tried to end his life on Thursday morning.According to an exclusive…

3 years ago

London Cleaning After Flash Flooding Drenches Homes, Subway

LONDON: London is cleaning Monday after heavy rains leaving home, road, and several subway stations flooded, a second in a…

3 years ago