
High assessment students are not needed for …: Anna Univ VCHigh assessment students are not needed for …: Anna Univ VC

High assessment students are not needed for …: Anna Univ VC

Anna University carried out major reforms in engineering education including introducing a flexible curriculum and six-month industrial internship for all…

3 years ago
Goa: 380 Private Engineering School Chair Go VacanGoa: 380 Private Engineering School Chair Go Vacan

Goa: 380 Private Engineering School Chair Go Vacan

Panaji: At the end of the second round and the most likely is the final receipt for 2021-22, four state…

3 years ago
TN: Physical Class for Enterg Students Year 1 from February 1TN: Physical Class for Enterg Students Year 1 from February 1

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Chennai: Higher Education Engineering is likely to continue the physical class for first year students from February 1.The online exam…

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Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella was awarded Padma Bhushan

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3 years ago
Indian American professor named Dean of the Brown University Engineering SchoolIndian American professor named Dean of the Brown University Engineering School

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Assam: Karimanj Lad to lead the regiment for the Republican Day Parade, parents and villagers are very happyAssam: Karimanj Lad to lead the regiment for the Republican Day Parade, parents and villagers are very happy

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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
Four Iels, including Delhi and Madras, Get a New DirectorFour Iels, including Delhi and Madras, Get a New Director

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New Delhi: Institute of Indian Technology (IITS) in Delhi, Madras, Bath and Indore received a new director on Monday, according…

3 years ago