
Sania Mirza said the 2022 season would be the last

Melbourne: Indian Tennis Bintang Sania Mirza on Wednesday announced that 2022 would be her last season since her body "exploded"…

2 years ago

The bag of discruting burst out of kolkata green

Kolkata: Times Puja-Diwali 2021 turned out to be a mixed bag for Kolkata, with several areas that featured the restraints…

3 years ago

TN: Father-son Killed in Fire Blast

PUDUCHERRY: The duo of the father-child was killed, and the other three were injured when the two state fireworks that…

3 years ago

Aqi 8 Areas in Delhi-NCR across 400-marks

New Delhi: Even before the outbreak of crackers, the air quality of the Delhi-NCR region has deteriorated further because the…

3 years ago

Four people burst crackers on the road were ordered

Rajkot: The Branch of City Crime and Special Operations Group (SOG) recorded four firefighters for violating the notification issued by…

3 years ago

Earthen Dam Dam in Kolhapur, Woman Drifting

Kolhapur: A 55-year-old woman and 11 livestock was washed after a land dam from the small irrigation project Megholi in…

3 years ago

Two killed, four injured after a hydrogen cylinder exploded

Times News Network Varanasi: Two people including a woman killed while the other four suffered a big injury when the…

3 years ago

Oneplus Nord 2 5G reportedly exploded again, Oneplus responded

Oneplus Nord 2 5G has exploded again, allegedly.The latest smartphone from the smartphone brand owned by BBK again entered the…

3 years ago

Boy aged 15 years died of a heart attack after his bluetooth headphone exploded

A 15-year-old boy died after the Bluetooth headphone device was reported to explode.According to a report in the present, the…

3 years ago

Urban life changes in Pune after disaster Dam Panghet

Pune: When the Wall of the Panghet burst exploded, reaching Parvati such as walking in the forest and the house…

3 years ago