
Telangana: Girls departed on track to grow a green future

Hyderabad: On January 31, Blessy will celebrate its eighth birthday with a difference.He will go with his father to the…

2 years ago

Palghar: Parents tribes transport children on a bicycle

Mumbai: Couples tribe who can not afford the cost of three private ambulance had to transport the body of their…

2 years ago

The first India to test the positive Covid wants to return to Wuhan

Kochi: A young woman from Thrissur pursues his childhood dream of being a doctor in medical college in Wuhan, like…

2 years ago

Navjot Singh Sidhu’s ‘Sister’ Fries Foul, Wife Junks Claim

Chandigarh: The days before the election of the Punjab Council, a woman, Susan Toor (70), who claimed to be the…

2 years ago

Scribe between 5 held for robbery in Bengaluru

Bengaluru: Five gang, including a journalist, has been arrested for allegedly robbing a family of brokers on the RMV II…

2 years ago

Humans are held to kill my father for property problems in Dadri

Noida: A man has been arrested for allegedly killing his father for a property dispute from Roopwas Roundabout in Greater…

2 years ago

When Dhanush talked about aishwaryaa

After marriage happily for 18 years, Dhanush and Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth announced their separation on social media through an official statement.…

2 years ago

Eight-year-old boy at the 75km pedal to mark the Republican Day

BELOGIVAVI: A eight-year-old boy chose to mark the Republican day by cycling around the Bellagavi district.Malhar Kulkarni, 8, continued a…

2 years ago

8-yr-old boy in a 75km pedal to mark Republican Day

BELOGIVAVI: A eight-year-old boy chose to mark the Republican day by cycling around the Bellagavi district.Malhar Kulkarni, 8, continued a…

2 years ago

Kobe Statue and Bryant Teeth are placed on the site crash on a warning

Calabasas: NBA Great Kobe Bryant statue and his daughter Gianna "Teeth" Bryant was brought on Wednesday to the Helicopter crash…

2 years ago