
‘Not consumer friendly’: some takers for discount AC replacement schemes

Gurgaon: Distom Dakthin Power Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) on Wednesday told the launch of the AC replacement scheme for…

3 years ago

Python missing 12 feet found in the shopping room crawling

Baton Rogue: 12 feet (3.6 meters) who escaped from his home in Louisiana's largest shopping center was found, said the…

3 years ago

The government ensures that innovative industries are developing here: cm

The Chairperson of the Pinarayai Minister Vijayan has said that Kerala is the best environmentally friendly destination in the country.The…

3 years ago

Only 30% cremation is done with environmentally friendly options in 14 months

Nagpur: The majority of families in the city still choose the cremation of traditional firewood over the last environmentally friendly…

3 years ago

Vadodara: He killed time giving life to forgotten wooden toys

VADODARA: He had no option but to stay confined within the four walls of his home when pandemic struck the…

3 years ago

YouTuber Detained in wife’s suicide Situation

MUMBAI: Bhandup police on Sunday arrested YouTuber Jitendra, popularly called Jeetu Jaan, following his in-laws alleged foul play in the…

3 years ago

Indian scientists Create RT-PCR Easier, cheaper and Quicker

MUMBAI: For providing the peel sample for RT-PCR, you might not need to queue up to get quite a while…

3 years ago