
Worries about the dose of booster hesitant in Assam

Guwahati: The Ministry of Health has expressed concern for reluctance by health workers and frontline workers in the country to…

2 years ago

Covid-19: Concerns over the dosage booster hesitant in Assam

Guwahati: The Ministry of Health has expressed concern for reluctance by health workers and frontline workers in the state to…

2 years ago

Covid-19 Indian Vaccination Coverage Exceeds 158.88 Crore

New Delhi: Cumulative Indian Coverative Coverative Vaccination coverage has exceeded 158.88 crore on Wednesday after more than 76 doses of…

2 years ago

Vaccination Covid: Drinking Booster Shots Stay Quiet

New Delhi: The use of the Covid Vaccins Booster Shots remains calm amid a surge in omicron infected cases, even…

2 years ago

More than 50 lakh health services, frontline workers take a dose of preventive measures from the Covid-19 vaccine

New Delhi: More than 50 Lakh health services, frontline workers and 60-year-old citizens have been given a dose of prevention…

2 years ago

Day 1: 64K people get a dose of booster at Bihar

Patna: Administration Dosage Prevention of Covid-19 Vaccine began in all states on Monday, with more than 64,400 people receiving shots…

2 years ago

Booster Dosage for All Government Staff in Phase: Minister of Health Assam

Guwahati: Assam began to provide a dose of booster on all health care workers (HCWS), frontline workers (FLW) and 60-plus…

2 years ago

Booster Jac: Day 1 starts on a slow note

Gurgaon: The first day of the booster drive dose for health care and frontline workers and senior citizens with comorbidity…

2 years ago

India Starts Managing Doose of Covid Vaccines on High-Risk Populations

New Delhi: In the midst of increasing Covid-19 cases throughout the country, India began managing "prevention doses" or the Covid-19…

2 years ago

Dosage of caution for health, frontline staff in Karnataka starts tomorrow

Bengaluru: The third covid vaccine dose will be given on Monday to the health and frontline workers and senior citizens…

2 years ago