
The Center must release GST compensation so that the state government can reduce VAT on fuel: Sharad Pawar

Pune: After the central government reduced customs in gasoline and diesel, the head of the Sharad Pawar NCP on Friday…

3 years ago

BJP slams the opposition party because it does not reduce VAT on gasoline, diesel in those ruled by them

New Delhi: Two days after the center cut Customs in gasoline and diesel, BJP Friday hit the opposition parties because…

3 years ago

Government Punjab to make decisions about gasoline cuts, diesel prices in the next cabinet meeting: Manpreet Singh Badal

Ludhiana: Minister of Punjab and the Taxony of Manpreet Singh Badal on Friday said that the Punjab government would make…

3 years ago

Tamil Nadu Govt Must Cut VAT on Fuel: AIADMK

Chennai: against the middle background that cut Customs on fuel and several countries reduced VAT, AIADMK on Friday demanding that…

3 years ago

The Bengaluru driver said the reduction in the price of crumbs

Bengaluru: The day after government and the state government announced a reduction in fuel prices, many motorists here said it…

3 years ago

NDA-controlled by Northeast States Barring Meghalaya cut PPN on fuel

Guwahati: Taking a signal from the center of cutting customs in gasoline and diesel on Wednesday, except Meghalaya, all NDA…

3 years ago

Cut the fuel customs to cost POFT RS 45K CR: Report

Mumbai: Customs on Diesel and gasoline will cost Rs 45,000 Crore and lead to 0.3 percentage points of widening in…

3 years ago

K’Taka: Gasoline continues to direct more than Rs 100 / Liter

Bengaluru: Apart from substantial tax cuts by the center and country at the price of gasoline and diesel, gasoline in…

3 years ago

Among the cities of Metro, B’luri drivers pay less for fuel

Bengaluru: Riders in Bengaluru now pay less for fuel among Metro cities in this country.It is also possible for the…

3 years ago

The owner of the Mumbai car saves RS 400-200 at the fuel pump

Mumbai: After the center finally announced the duties, Mumbaikars who filled the car tank they finally saved at least Rs…

3 years ago