
Center Reduces Customs on Gasoline, Diesel from fear of the upcoming elections: Priyanka Gandhi

New Delhi: Secretary General of Congress Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday regarding the center said the decision to reduce customs…

3 years ago

BJP must be fully defeated to reduce fuel prices by RS 50: Raut

Mumbai: The day after the center cut Customs on gasoline and diesel each of Rs 5 and Rs 10 per…

3 years ago

Customs Pieces of Customs, Odisha Reduces VAT on Gasoline, Diesel

Bhubaneswar: With the center cut Customs in gasoline and Diesel, Head of Minister of Naveen Patnaik on Thursday announced a…

3 years ago

Gasoline, diesel rates will be cut by Rs 12 above

Lucknow: After the center announced the reduction of customs in fuel, the state government on Wednesday made a decision to…

3 years ago

Pune witnesses swim in the price of gasoline and diesel

Pune: The price of fuel in the city is reduced on Thursday after the central decision to cut customs for…

3 years ago

Center Slashes Excise Duty in Diesel by Rs 10, Rs Gasoline 5

New Delhi: The center on Wednesday slashes Customs on gasoline and diesel amounting to RS 5 and Rs 10 per…

3 years ago

Customs are cut on gasoline, diesel; 9 Nda Cut Cut PPn, 5 of them went to polls in 2022

New Delhi: The center on Wednesday slashes Customs on gasoline and diesel amounting to RS 5 and Rs 10 per…

3 years ago

Gift Diwali Govt: Customs on Gasoline Cutting amounting to Rs 5, Diesel by Rs 10

New Delhi: In a big assistance for consumers in front of Diwali, the government on Wednesday announced a reduction in…

3 years ago

Kerala: Opposition urges the government to offer fuel subsidies

ThiruvananThapuram: After the controversy involving Actor Joju George in Kochi on Monday during the road blockade performed by the Congress…

3 years ago

Diwali Prize: Buy Tires, Get free gasoline, Diesel in the steel city

JAMSHEDPUR: Denizens Buying a vehicle tire will get one liter of gasoline, free diesel as a gift in Diwali.The city-based…

3 years ago