
Covid-19: Karnataka, Maharashtra & Uttarakhand took steps to reopen several schools

New Delhi: Some states have decided to loosen covid limitations and reopen schools for in-people in the middle of the…

2 years ago

If the SP wins, Azam will replace you: Shah Woos Jayant again

Muzaffarnagar: News Minister Union Amit Shah, who was in Muzaffarnagar and Saharapur Western Uttar as part of his election campaign…

2 years ago

IPL: Most likely for league matches, playoffs in Gujarat

Mumbai: BCCI is likely to hold an upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) in Maharashtra and Gujarat, said…

2 years ago

Towards the parl session, fresh political lines for Pegasus

New Delhi: Controversy over the alleged use of spyware pegasus to target the government's political opponents have returned to the…

2 years ago

Sathean Slams Government to ignore the Madhu case

T'puram: Opposition slammed the sluggish government approach in handling cases where a tribal youth, Madhu, was punished by a horde…

2 years ago

Budget: Gehlot is looking for advice from 70 industrial agencies

Jaipur: Chief Minister of Ashok Gehlot along with senior ministers and officials from most government departments seeking suggestions and recommendations…

2 years ago

Move to the rope in the teacher for the success of Flak’s face ban

Patna: Kumar Nithish Government in Bihar is in the eyes of a storm for a media that requires a government…

2 years ago

PM Modi has been aware of Charan Singh’s vision: Yogi

Lucknow: Chairman of Yogi Minister Adyityaath on Friday begged former PM Chaan Charan Singh, who was called 'Farmers' Messiah' whose…

2 years ago

Amit Shah claims Azam will replace Jayant if SP forms the government

Muzaffarnagar: Taking Jibe on the Alliance formed by the Samajwadi Party and Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), Minister of Sociality and…

2 years ago

Election of Goa Assembly: Youth suffered due to the failure of ‘double machines’, said Congress

Panaji: Congress will provide citizens who are free of corruption and stable if given a mandate in the upcoming election,…

2 years ago