
Modi Reading Government Government Against Netama Close ‘Jeopardizing’: Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday attacked the Modi government, accused him of the first time "giving up"…

3 years ago

BJP is paid back in the coin itself above, said Narayanasamy

PUDUCHERRY: Senior Congress leader and former Minister of Puducherry V Narayanamy on Friday said the government Bharathiya Janata Party (BJP)…

3 years ago

Anger in Nepal over Indian plans to expand the road to Lipulekh

New Delhi: Proposal for widening the road to the Lipulekh Pass area in Uttarakhand has led to the round of…

3 years ago

The British government apologizes to the Queen for the Party on the Eve of Prince Funeral

LONDON: The British government apologized Friday to Queen Elizabeth II, after Revelation of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson broke the…

3 years ago

Increase Covid-19 Case: School for Online in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram: In the midst of increasing Covid-19 cases, the Kerala government on Friday decided to make classes online for Standard…

3 years ago

BJP wants a change while guards in the state

Thane: Party Bharatiya Janta (BJP) has accused the weakening of the government's grip on managing the third wave of Covid-19…

3 years ago

Haryana: Two Nodal Officers in each district

Chandigarh: Health Minister Harmana Anil VIJ said on Friday that two Nodal officers would be appointed for each district that…

3 years ago

More than 3.5 lakh pilgrims take the holy sauce in the gangasagar on Sankranti Makar

Sagar Island: More than 3.5 Lakh Pilgrims took holy saud at Ganga Meeting and Bay Bengal here on the occasion…

3 years ago

Up cm yogi adityanath eat at Dalit households, targets the same party

Gorakhpur: Chairman of the Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath at the Dalit household here on Friday and said during…

3 years ago

Yogi takes dig on Akhilesh Yadav on the Devpt problem

Lucknow: HITTING IN JAMJWADI Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav To try to take credit for all development work in the state,…

3 years ago