
Haveri continues to wait for his medical collegeHaveri continues to wait for his medical college

Haveri continues to wait for his medical college

Haveri: Haveri people rejoice when Basavaraj Bommai was appointed to the office of the Chair of the Karnataka Minister.People in…

3 years ago
Classes have not started at Medical College in the home cm districtClasses have not started at Medical College in the home cm district

Classes have not started at Medical College in the home cm district

Haveri: Haveri people rejoice when Basavaraj Bommai was appointed to the office of the Chair of the Karnataka Minister.People in…

3 years ago
Documentary displays Freedom Fighters of HaveriDocumentary displays Freedom Fighters of Haveri

Documentary displays Freedom Fighters of Haveri

HubbalLi: GooLappa Aralikatti, a documentary filmmaker has made the 'Haveri Veerara Swatantrya Sangrama', a documentary about the Freedom Fighters of…

3 years ago
Documentary displays Haveri Heroic Freedom FighterDocumentary displays Haveri Heroic Freedom Fighter

Documentary displays Haveri Heroic Freedom Fighter

HubbalLi: GooLappa Aralikatti, a documentary filmmaker has made the 'Haveri Veerara Swatantrya Sangrama', a documentary about the Freedom Fighters of…

3 years ago
More than 350 children were infected in the last two weeks in HaveriMore than 350 children were infected in the last two weeks in Haveri

More than 350 children were infected in the last two weeks in Haveri

Haveri: Experts have warned that the new variant of Coronavirus Novel will affect children in the third wave.After the third…

3 years ago
Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Bengaluru: Karnataka reported 46,426 new Covid cases on Monday, while Bengaluru contributed 21,569 their cases.The country's daily peposititiveness rose to…

3 years ago
Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Bengaluru: Karnataka reported 46,426 new Covid cases on Monday, while Bengaluru contributed 21,569 their cases.The country's daily peposititiveness rose to…

3 years ago
Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Covid-19: Karnataka Daily Case Down to 46,000; The level of participation rises to 33%

Bengaluru: Karnataka reported 46,426 new Covid cases on Monday, while Bengaluru contributed 21,569 their cases.The country's daily peposititiveness rose to…

3 years ago
Three died after Lorry TopplesThree died after Lorry Topples

Three died after Lorry Topples

Haveri: Three people were killed when a truck fell on the roadside in Koradur Village in Haveri Taluk on Monday.All…

3 years ago
Relailunch Yashaswini Scheme: RyotsRelailunch Yashaswini Scheme: Ryots

Relailunch Yashaswini Scheme: Ryots

Haveri: Karnataka Rajya Raita Sangha and Hasiran District Unit Senen has demanded that the government restart the 'Yashaswini' health insurance…

3 years ago