
WhatsApp gets a new vaccination feature: this is the new one and how it will succeed

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH & FW) has introduced new facilities to order Covid-19 vaccine slots through…

3 years ago

Now you can download your Covid-19 certificate on WhatsApp through Mygov Corona Helpdesk

India runs a single largest vaccination drive in the world.Residents can order their vaccination slots through the Government Cowin platform…

3 years ago

Now, get a Covid vaccine certificate on WhatsApp in 3 easy steps

New Delhi: Now, you can get your Covid vaccination certificate in seconds on your WhatsApp number.In a tweet, the Minister…

3 years ago

Deoband madrasa alumni group fights Covid-19 and misinformation

NEW DELHI: A Covid-19 helpdesk started by an alumni group of Darul Uloom Madrasa in Deoband has been fighting fake…

3 years ago