
The first woman saving women from insultThe first woman saving women from insult

The first woman saving women from insult

Cuddalore: 'First woman', cellular Helpline (82200 06082) launched by the Cuddalore leader Police S Sakti Ganesan to help women in…

3 years ago
Railway pads to prevent bidding tooutRailway pads to prevent bidding toout

Railway pads to prevent bidding toout

Bhubaneswar: East Coast Railway (Ecor) on Wednesday issued a Helpline number - 8455885031 - for people so they can tell…

3 years ago
Helpline Railway NOS to stop threatsHelpline Railway NOS to stop threats

Helpline Railway NOS to stop threats

Bhubaneswar: East Coast Railway (Ecor) on Wednesday issued a Helpline number - 8455885031 - for people so they can tell…

3 years ago
Ahmedabad: Covid-19 Pandemic Aggravates Womens WomenAhmedabad: Covid-19 Pandemic Aggravates Womens Women

Ahmedabad: Covid-19 Pandemic Aggravates Womens Women

Ahmedabad: Neeta, a 31-year-old Navrangpura resident, suspects her husband having an affair with a colleague in the office.But he always…

3 years ago
Helpline Health K’taka Avoided 2,062 SuicideHelpline Health K’taka Avoided 2,062 Suicide

Helpline Health K’taka Avoided 2,062 Suicide

Bengaluru: Arogya Sahayaavani 104, Helpline Health State Government, handling the call of 42.6 lakh related to mental health problems since…

3 years ago
Chennai: Denied in his house, Man Out on a bail ending lifeChennai: Denied in his house, Man Out on a bail ending life

Chennai: Denied in his house, Man Out on a bail ending life

Chennai: A 47-year-old man, who was arrested in the case of theft and was released with a guarantee on November…

3 years ago
Chennai Rain: There is no response about the obstacle that is a concernChennai Rain: There is no response about the obstacle that is a concern

Chennai Rain: There is no response about the obstacle that is a concern

Chennai: The day after Chennai Greater Corporation (GCC) released a Helpline number to reach people in a flooded environment, and…

3 years ago
Help is just a phone callHelp is just a phone call

Help is just a phone call

All through the second wave of pandemic, Sarita * will spend the night without sleep thinking of plans to regulate…

3 years ago
The increase in calls to the child’s help channel in MysoreThe increase in calls to the child’s help channel in Mysore

The increase in calls to the child’s help channel in Mysore

MySuru: Slew from the Awareness Program conducted by Helpline Activists Children have produced results, with the '1098' help channel number…

3 years ago
TN students, parents are optimistic about Helpline for Neet candidatesTN students, parents are optimistic about Helpline for Neet candidates

TN students, parents are optimistic about Helpline for Neet candidates

Chennai: Students, who have taken a neet examination, and their parents are optimistic at the latest Tamil Nadu government initiative…

4 years ago