Mumbai: Special Investigation Team (Sitting) formed by Yavatmal Police Supervisors (SP) Dilip Patil-Bhujbal gave a clean chit to the former…
Ahmedabad: A 27-year-old woman from the Juhapura region in the city on Thursday filed a complaint to the Vejalpur police…
VIUDHUNAGAR: A female police strangled by her husband in Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu on Friday night following a domestic dispute.Police Soaherarai…
While Priyanka Chopra is currently busy in the London shooting schedule for 'fortress', her husband, singer Nick Jonas all directed…
Bhopal: A Gwalior woman, who was allegedly forced to drink acid by her husband and her in-laws for Mahar, died…
Jaisalmer: A woman was attacked because she did not bring children in Uparla in the Chauhatan police station in the…
Bhopal / Bhubaneswar: Police Bhopal on Thursday registered a case of dowry and intimidation against MP BJD Bhartruhari Mahtab, his…
Letter: A man and a 26-year-old father of a two-year-old daughter was arrested on Wednesday to follow women in his…
Letter: Artisan Diamond and four family members were ordered for allegedly harassing and encouraging a 19-year-old pregnant wife from home…
Kolkata: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA in West Bengal "disappeared" under the mysterious state of early Thursday only for the…