
2.2K Virus Grips, Active Case More than 10 K After 8 Months

Lucknow: The high level of transmission Covid-19 continues on Thursday with 2,213 more people, including six pregnant women and 38…

2 years ago

Topsy-turvy weather can cause a surge in disease: documents

Kolkata: The weather looks around that the city witnessed might lead to a surge in various viruses, including influenza, the…

2 years ago

Parents Feature Influenza Shots for School Children

Bengaluru: With the absence of covid vaccinations for children, many parents seek flu shots for their children before sending them…

3 years ago

Japan reported the first season’s bird flu outbreak, destroyed 143,000 chickens

Tokyo: Japan has detected its first bird flu outbreak for the winter of 2021, with a confirmation of the case…

3 years ago

Worries rise more than an English flu outbreak in the midst of delaying vaccines

LONDON: One of the largest suppliers in the UK seasonal influenza vaccine warns Saturday that there may be delays in…

3 years ago

Pune Hompon Alleged Case for Influenza Viruses

Pune: Seasonal Virus Comeback has encouraged several private hospitals in the city for a parally test that is suspected of…

3 years ago

Normal just seen in 1918 a crisis

Ahmedabad: When the world stopped in 2020 because of the Covid crisis, the economy fell, Lakh lost their livelihoods, and…

3 years ago

COLOR: The flu case exploded with a sharp decline in Jabs

Kolkata: a sharp decline in flu vaccination for children and adults since the pandemic began in 2020 has caused a…

3 years ago

Not covid, but City saw a surge in the case of respiratory infections

Gurgaon: Hospitals in the city witness the increase in cases of upper respiratory infections, cough, influenza, and fever among children.According…

3 years ago

Hospital in Delhi See Spike in the Case of Swine Flu

New Delhi: Weather change has led to a sharp increase in the case of viral diseases other than Covid-19.The city…

3 years ago