
As a fresh whistleblower leak points to Facebook Laxity in India, the government promises actionAs a fresh whistleblower leak points to Facebook Laxity in India, the government promises action

As a fresh whistleblower leak points to Facebook Laxity in India, the government promises action

New Delhi: Because fears increased in Facebook's inability to contain hatred speeches and polarize content in India for weak supervision…

3 years ago
Dot fixes dec’22 time limit for transition to a new IP addressDot fixes dec’22 time limit for transition to a new IP address

Dot fixes dec’22 time limit for transition to a new IP address

New Delhi: Telecom (DOT) department has fixed December 2022 as a deadline for internet service providers to adjust their network…

3 years ago
The internet must always be open, safe: MOSThe internet must always be open, safe: MOS

The internet must always be open, safe: MOS

New Delhi: Creating regulatory-based accountability culture among the large digital platforms is important to ensure that the internet remains open…

3 years ago
Internet Mobile Tires New Norms for Government Exams in RajInternet Mobile Tires New Norms for Government Exams in Raj

Internet Mobile Tires New Norms for Government Exams in Raj

Jaipur: Concussion on cellular internet services during the recruitment exam has become a 'last resort' to prevent cheating mafia.The previous…

3 years ago
The cabinet nodded for a clean link to all tribal hamletsThe cabinet nodded for a clean link to all tribal hamlets

The cabinet nodded for a clean link to all tribal hamlets

Thiruvananthapuram: The government has cleared policy and administrative proposals to ensure internet connectivity for all tribal hamlets in the state.CM…

4 years ago
Kashmir to get a train link before 2024: Minister VaishnawKashmir to get a train link before 2024: Minister Vaishnaw

Kashmir to get a train link before 2024: Minister Vaishnaw

Jammu: stated that it was the government's mission to achieve 'every last person who was in line', the UNION Railway…

4 years ago
BJP wants to force an agenda of the RSS in the country: Kumari SeljaBJP wants to force an agenda of the RSS in the country: Kumari Selja

BJP wants to force an agenda of the RSS in the country: Kumari Selja

Chandigarh: President of HPCC Selp on Saturday asked party law experts to expand their activities to facilitate under Trodden and…

4 years ago
I ask students to make settings for your own internet or appear in an offline mode testI ask students to make settings for your own internet or appear in an offline mode test

I ask students to make settings for your own internet or appear in an offline mode test

Kurukshetra: Following restrictions imposed on internet services in some parts of Haryana for nearly 48 hours, the University of Kurukshetra…

4 years ago

Task Force is formed to improve internet connectivity in the state

Bengaluru: Union Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEIT) on Wednesday said it has formed a unit of tasks to…

4 years ago
Internet Back in Srinagar, BudgamInternet Back in Srinagar, Budgam

Internet Back in Srinagar, Budgam

Srinagar: The internet service was restored in Central Kashmir on Tuesday night, a week after administration clamping the "sidewalk of…

4 years ago