
Govt Taliban stopped the media outlet from holding a conference

New Delhi: The Taliban government in Afghanistan prevents media outlets from holding a press conference in Kabul rather than concerns…

2 years ago

Whether gunmen in Iraq killed 11 soldiers in the Brazen barracks attack

Baghdad: armed people from the extremist group of Islamic countries attacked the army barracks in the North Mountains of Baghdad…

2 years ago

Afghan women’s right, girls under the attack: United Nations

Islamabad: The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Thursday raises serious concerns about the situation of…

2 years ago

The Afghan front resistance proposes the transition government to the Taliban in Tehran talks

KABUL: Afghan Front Resistance Proposes the Transitional Government to the Taliban when both parties meet in Tehran on the sidelines…

2 years ago

Taliban added a suicide bomb to the army ranking

The Taliban will officially recruit the suicide bomber to become part of the troops when militant groups try to contain…

2 years ago

The security situation in Afghanistan deteriorates in 100 days since the Taliban tookover

Kabul: Security situation in Afghanistan worsens after the formation of the Islamic Emirates by the Taliban in 100 days.Seven large…

3 years ago

The US said it would continue talks with the Taliban next week

WASHINGTON: The United States will continue talks with Taliban next week in Qatar, speaks among other issues that fight terrorism…

3 years ago

Taliban to AF TV network: Stop Airing Show with Women’s Actor

KABUL: The Authority of the Afghan Taliban on Sunday issued a new "religious guideline" that called for the country's television…

3 years ago

Taliban to the Afghan Network: ‘Stop Airing Show with Women’s Actor’

KABUL: The Authority of the Afghan Taliban on Sunday issued a new "religious guideline" that called for the country's television…

3 years ago

England admitted facing the threat of ‘severe’ terror after two violent incidents in the past month

LONDON: The UK has raised its threat level from Islamic terrorism to "severe" after two incidents of violence in Liverpool…

3 years ago