
Principal CMCH profiled in LancetPrincipal CMCH profiled in Lancet

Principal CMCH profiled in Lancet

Ludhiana: Principal of the Medical College Christian School (CMC), Dr.Jeyaraj Pandian has been profiled by the Journal of Neurology Lancet.dr…

3 years ago
Strategies related to microbial poisons to fight cancer: extraordinary publications by researchers from KUK and DPSRUStrategies related to microbial poisons to fight cancer: extraordinary publications by researchers from KUK and DPSRU

Strategies related to microbial poisons to fight cancer: extraordinary publications by researchers from KUK and DPSRU

Kurukshetra: In recent scientific developments, scientists who work in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, toxicology, cancer biology and drug pharmacology…

4 years ago
Scarcity to Safety: IIT-G researchers Invent ways to address water EmergencyScarcity to Safety: IIT-G researchers Invent ways to address water Emergency

Scarcity to Safety: IIT-G researchers Invent ways to address water Emergency

GUWAHATI: The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT-G) scientists also have paved the way for improved water control policies in…

4 years ago

Jhumpa Lahiri’s Guidance to aspiring Authors

From writing regarding the immigrant experience, Jhumpa Lahiri left a bold leap to writing in German, the language where she's…

4 years ago
<p>‘Wuhan Laboratory Team sought hospital care Prior to Covid outbreak Revealed’</p><p>‘Wuhan Laboratory Team sought hospital care Prior to Covid outbreak Revealed’</p>

‘Wuhan Laboratory Team sought hospital care Prior to Covid outbreak Revealed’

WASHINGTON: Three researchers in China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) hunted hospital attention at November 2019, months prior to China…

4 years ago