
HC Judge repeated from Nandi Case, a fine of CM RS 5L

Kolkata: Calcutta High Court Judge Causik Chanda on Wednesday was soaked from the Minister of Bengal Mamata Banerjee's Peticy on…

4 years ago

Will adopt the central law to control the wrong pvt hompon: DH

Hyderabad: Responding to the Claim of State to control private hospitals from full patients, Director of the State of Public…

4 years ago

Ludhiana Court: FIR LABLY CHIP file, 6 others in the case of ‘Rape’

Ludhiana: Ludhiana Court on Wednesday heading the police to register fir shots against seven people, including the Lok Insaf Party…

4 years ago

Let the Tree Authority Decide Ajni Vann First, HC said

Nagpur: Nagpur bench Bombay High Court on Wednesday is called litigation of public interest (PILS) submitted by Save Ajni Van…

4 years ago

Marine life must be protected: HC to Maha

Mumbai: Marine life must be protected, said the Bombay High Court on Wednesday while looking for the Maharashtra coastline, including…

4 years ago

HC Blastes State on Enchacher Protection

Mumbai: In a scathing comment on the protection provided by the sequential government for Slumdweller, Bombay High Court Judge Datta…

4 years ago

HC: executives think the country Govt is a father’s asset

Mumbai: In a scathing comment on the protection provided by the sequential government for Slumdweller, Bombay HC Judge Datta Datta…

4 years ago

The death of Swamy’s booth utilizes criticism throughout the world

Mumbai: The death of Stan Swamy evokes sadness and anger in India and abroad.Many people see this as an unnecessary…

4 years ago

Countries cannot provide everything homeless: HC

Mumbai: The state cannot provide everything to the homeless, high court Bombay observed on Saturday while hearing pills to continue…

4 years ago

The state cannot provide everything to homeless: HC

Mumbai: The state cannot provide everything to homeless people, observing the Bombay High Court on Saturday while hearing pills to…

4 years ago