Kanpur: Just before the commemoration of the incident bicro, the police have taken decisive action against two accused of more…
Kanpur Revision: Bithoor, a Religious City of Kannpur Nagar, will be developed as a tourist place with a budget RS…
Kanpur: The newly suspected bride has escaped after taking all the cash and gold jewelry from the house of his…
Kanpur: A man who thinned the city people with their poor work through the Chit-Fund company was arrested by the…
Citra Klalu from President of Ram Nath Kovind touched his forehead in his downductive position shared with a claim that…
Kanpur: Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow and Iit-Kanpur on Tuesday signed the MoU to advance innovation in health…
Kanpur: urging people to pay taxes to encourage development work, RAM President Nath Kovind, while visiting his village at Kanpur…
Kanpur: urges people to pay taxes to encourage development work, President of RAM Nath Kovind, while visiting his home village…
KANPUR: A 50-year-old ailing woman died on way to hospital when her car was stopped before a flyover in the…
Kanpur: A number of eminent city people got an opportunity to meet President Ram Nath Kovind at the circuit house…