
Kavitha to submit a nomination as Nizamabad MLC today

Hyderabad: After the violence on the nomination of his daughter Kavitha to the upper house, President TRS and Chief of…

3 years ago

One was held because of stealing from the office bescom in Bengaluru

Bengaluru: An employee while being 22 years old with Bescom was arrested on Sunday for stealing cash from his office…

3 years ago

Chennai: The woman’s police died after the tree fell on her

Chennai: The police chief of a police officer killed at the spot after the tree was removed by strong winds,…

3 years ago

Fallen trees destroyed police police to death in Chennai

Chennai: The police chief of police died after a tree fell on him while he was on duty outside the…

3 years ago

Women rob 5-sovereign gold chains

Coimbatore: The 23-year-old grocery store owner loses the five-sovereign gold chain to Snatchers on Monday NS."Pillion Rider approached him with…

3 years ago

In the first, TRS MP Maloth Kavitha was punished for bribing voters

Hyderabad: In a rare example, a member of sitting parliament (MP) has been convicted of voters during the 2019 General…

3 years ago

Six-year-old girl choked on a snack, dead

Thiruvananthapuram: A six-year-old girl choked on her snack and died on Sunday.Nivitthatha, Princess Rajesh and Kavitha from Thevarpazhinji near Poozhikunnu…

3 years ago

Hyd Man killed his wife, said Covid killed him

Hyderabad: The day after the sensational murder of the women's software engineer in Tirupati, where in her husband tried to…

3 years ago

Chennai: Man, 65, Set Veggie Vendor’s House Burned

Chennai: A man on Monday night burned a woman's house in Velachery after she failed to pay the money she…

3 years ago

Sri Lankan refugee beats second wife to death, on the run

Coimbatore: A Sri Lankan Tamil refugee was booked for murdering his second wife at Gandhima Nagar on Monday night.Police have…

3 years ago