
The G-23 is not relevant as a reform at the ongoing Congress: M VeeEAppa MOILY

New Delhi: With the internal reform of Congress, underway under the leadership of the party President Sonia Gandhi, the G-23…

3 years ago

BJP Springs Surprise in Gujarat, choose MLA for the first time, Patel, like a new cm

Gandhinagar: PM Narendra Modi jumped one of his biggest surprises when Mla Bhupendra Patel who spoke softly, was first anointed…

3 years ago

Tejashwi Yadav to visit Ranchi on September 18 for a two-day trip to revive the basis of RJD support on Jharkhand

Patna: Get out of the power of Bihar for almost four years, the leader of RJD Tejashwi Prasad Yadav now…

3 years ago

Tejashwi to visit Ranchi on September 18 on a 2 day trip

Patna: Get out of the power of Bihar for almost four years, the leader of RJD Tejashwi Prasad Yadav now…

3 years ago

Congress started the campaign ahead of Kalyan-dombivli Municipal Corporation polls

Kalyan: Towards the selection of Kalyan-Dombivli Municipal Corporation (KDMC), Congress has started a campaign to strengthen the party.This campaign is…

3 years ago

NC demands the CBI question to the death of the EX-MLC J & K

Jammu: The National Conference of Jammu and Kashmir (NC) on Saturday searched for a CBI investigation into the death of…

3 years ago

Congress impoverishes Landlord Sans landed, said pawar; Party hits again

Mumbai comments: Head of the NCP Sharad Pawar showed that the current situation of Congress was like poor landlords who…

3 years ago

Fir against BJP leaders for violations of norm cov

Ranchi: District administration on Friday submitted a case against 28 BJP leaders and around 1,500 unknown party workers at the…

3 years ago

Biden and XI China discusses management competitions, avoiding conflicts in calls

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Chinese partner Xi Jinping on Thursday, the White House said, with…

3 years ago

Biden and XI China discusses management competitions, avoiding conflicts in calls

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Chinese partner Xi Jinping on Thursday, the White House said, with…

3 years ago