
Punjab Cong Crisis: Now, Amarinder to meet Sonia Gandhi

New Delhi: The Head of Punjab Minister Amarinder Singh will meet President Sonia Gandhi's Interim congress on Tuesday amid the…

3 years ago

BJP Mla Yatnal Demands BSY Replacement

Mysuru: Apart from the commemoration of a tight action, unsatisfied leaders continued to humiliate BJP and the government, with Senior…

3 years ago

‘Fadnivis will become a maha cm if he took my advice’

Mumbai: Republican Party of India (RPI) President Ramdas Athaware claimed that BJP leader Devendra Fadnivis could pocket the second term…

3 years ago

BJP calms the senior leaders ‘annoyed’, Dhami takes an oath as u’khand cm

Dehradun: The day after Khatima Legislator Pushkar Singh Dhami was named as a choice of cm by BJP to replace…

3 years ago

Patna: Then, Rabri returned to the RJD poster

Patna: RJD's head then Prasad and his wife Rabri Devi returned to party poster along with Tejashwi Prasad Yadav on…

3 years ago

BJP betting on Dhami, affecting the shift gene in U’Khand in front of the poll

New Delhi: Not satisfied with the performance of known leaders, BJP's top brass is left with a limited option and…

3 years ago

PAGD leaders met in Srinagar, first after all-party meetings at J & K

Srinagar: Meeting of the People's Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) was held here on Sunday, the first meeting after meeting…

3 years ago

Raj: Poonia gets a free hand to overcome the BJP leader ‘Unrulates’

Jaipur: BJP State Unit has received exceptional support from the central leaders of all the problems raised by the President…

3 years ago

2 times the former leader of MLA & JD (U) Maheshwar Singh joined RJD

Patna: Former two-time leader MLA and JD (U) Maheshwar Singh on Saturday joined RJD in front of Tejashwi Prasad Yadav.Tejashwi…

3 years ago

Pushkar Singh Dhami took an oath as a ministerial ultarakhand

New Delhi: Pushkar Singh Dhami on Sunday took an oath as Minister of 11th Uttarakhand.He was given an oath of…

3 years ago