Ludhiana: Seven Ludhiana residents and two from the outside died because Covid was here on Friday.In addition, 467 from the…
Ludhiana: Twenty-five candidates archive their nomination paper from eight assembly segments here on Friday.They included six candidates from Sahnewal, seven…
Ludhiana: 25 Candidates archive their nomination papers on Friday from eight assembly segments in the Ludhiana district for the election…
Ludhiana: close to the selection of assembly 20 February and remembering how various parties rejected their requests, local micro and…
Ludhiana: On the 73rd Republican Day, the Komisarier City Customs focused on the main digital reform for "ease of doing…
Ludhiana: The level of covid in Ludhiana has fallen after touching as high as 48% on January 10, but the…
Ludhiana: Lok Insaf Party (lips) on Tuesday night released a list of 24 candidates for the election of Punjab assembly…
Ludhiana: Not only Fateh Khwani (Memorial Service) A Muslim woman was held at Satya Narayan Temple in a Mohali Village…
Ludhiana: As a nominational archiving for assembly selection begins on Tuesday, the contestants have begun to approach the fortune tellers…
Ludhiana: Police Ludhiana Rural restored 1,050 cartons of banned liquor, which contained 12,000 bottles, from the tile factory on Hambran-Bhundari…