
Macron condemns ‘military coup’ in Burkina Faso

Saint-Leonard-de-Noblat, France: French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday condemned what he called "military coup" in Burkina Faso, a day after…

2 years ago

French Macron stands with comments ‘piss off’ in non-vaccination covid

Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron said he was standing with his previous comments that he wanted to "peel" five million…

2 years ago

In Shadow Khashoggi, Macron Set for Saudi talks with the Crown Prince

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for face-to-face talks with Prince Crown Mohammed…

3 years ago

Report: Women in Macron Defense Staff were raped by colleagues at Elysee Palace

Paris: French prosecutor is investigating the allegations that a woman in defense staff Emmanuel Macron was raped by a colleague…

3 years ago

WOOING France: Kamala Harris to meet Macron after the sub-spat

Paris: Kamala Harris respected the American War Alliance with France and met President Emmanuel Macron when he tried to smooth…

3 years ago

WOOING France: Kamala Harris to meet Macron after the sub-spat

Paris: Kamala Harris respected the American War Alliance with France and met President Emmanuel Macron when he tried to smooth…

3 years ago

France More than 65s will need a booster for Covid Pass: Macron

Paris: People above 65 in France will need to show evidence of Covid-19 Jab boosters to be able to visit…

3 years ago

Vice President Kamla Harris headed to Paris to work on US-French relations

WASHINGTON: Vice President Kamala Harris struggled at the charm of the White Offensive building aimed at French President Emmanuel Macron.Vice-President…

3 years ago

France said Australia regarding the macron text leaked ‘new’

Canberra: Australia Leaks French President's text message Emmanuel Macron to the media is a 'low low' 'and warnings to other…

3 years ago

Emmanuel Macron gave England more time above fish disputes

Glasgow: French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that retaliation steps threatened with Britain for one line on the rights…

3 years ago