
Arun Vora became a chair observer Cong CanttArun Vora became a chair observer Cong Cantt

Arun Vora became a chair observer Cong Cantt

Kanpur: Congress has announced the names of candidates in five seats in the city.The son of the former Governor of…

3 years ago
Idol ‘Ashtadhatu’ Dewi Sita Curian from the TempleIdol ‘Ashtadhatu’ Dewi Sita Curian from the Temple

Idol ‘Ashtadhatu’ Dewi Sita Curian from the Temple

Kanpur: Idol 'Ashtadhatu' Ancient Dewi Sita and other brass idols including Lord Ram and Lakshman were stolen from the Thakurdwara…

3 years ago