
Maoism towards Gandjazism: The top Maoist cadres change rural entrepreneursMaoism towards Gandjazism: The top Maoist cadres change rural entrepreneurs

Maoism towards Gandjazism: The top Maoist cadres change rural entrepreneurs

Nagpur: Radha Majji, a former member of the Division Committee (DVC) from the Indian Communist Party (Maois), was once considered…

3 years ago
Maharashtra allocated Rs 10 Crore to rehabilitate RedsMaharashtra allocated Rs 10 Crore to rehabilitate Reds

Maharashtra allocated Rs 10 Crore to rehabilitate Reds

New Delhi: The state will extend full support to rehabilitate Maoists who surrender and bring it to the mainstream by…

3 years ago

What Tim Cook said about the Cryptocurrency and ‘Plan’ Apple for it

If there is one technology CEO that always - or at least that seems - talking about cryptocurrency then it…

3 years ago
Assam: M Batha, 22 other NLFB rebels Lays in UdalguriAssam: M Batha, 22 other NLFB rebels Lays in Udalguri

Assam: M Batha, 22 other NLFB rebels Lays in Udalguri

Guwahati: A total of 23 members of the Bodoland National Liberation Front (NLFB), including the Head of M Bancha aka…

4 years ago