
US House Panels Looking for Testimony from the Leader of the Republic of McCarthy about the January 6 attack

WASHINGTON: The US Congress Committee investigated January 6, 2021 which was deadly, the attack on the Capitol asked the Republic…

2 years ago

Republican leader slams CDC for new mask mandates

WASHINGTON: The top of the Republican leader has sed the Democrat Party in power and the center of prevention and…

3 years ago

Authorities: Wisconsin gas pump shooter kills himself

Caledonia: A guiter Wisconsin who killed a 22-year-old man who pumped the gas then shot himself in his head after…

3 years ago

The name of the cheney pelosi to the investigation panel 6 Jan Riot

Washington: Nancy Pelosi's home speaker on Thursday called Representative of the Republic of Liz Cheney and seven Democrats to the…

3 years ago