
Mikati Lebanon reported progress, although slow, towards government formation

Beirut: Prime Minister-appointed by Najib Mikati said on Thursday's progress, although slow, has been achieved to form a cabinet in…

3 years ago

Mikati Lebanon said she hoped to form a government in the near future

Beirut: Prime Minister Lebanon - appointed Najib Mikati told Wednesday that he hoped to form a government in "approaching the…

3 years ago

The new PM Lebanon began to offer an offer to form a planted cabinet

Beirut: The New Lebanon Prime Minister - appoints Najib Mikati on Tuesday conducting a consultation with political parties he said…

3 years ago

Lebanese President Michel Aoun met with businessman Najib Mikati, set for designated Premier

Beirut: Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Monday held a short meeting with a leading businessman Najib Mikati, began receiving the…

3 years ago

Lebanese President Meets Mikati Entrepreneurs, Stipulated for Premier Appointed

Beirut: Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Monday held a short meeting with a leading businessman Najib Mikati, began receiving the…

3 years ago

Najib Mikati named New PM Lebanon

Beirut: Najib Mikati was named the new Lebanon Prime Minister on Monday with 72 votes in Parliament, MTV TV Channel…

3 years ago